Software Developer @ SCENE London

Dr. Rembrandt koppelaar

About Publications Books Lectures


Zoltan K., Pandya N., Koppelaar R.H.E.M., Electricity generation technologies: Comparison of materials use, energy return on investment, jobs creation and CO2 emissions reduction Energy Policy. 120. Pages. 144-157.
(Early Access Manuscript PDF) | DOI

Bieber N., Ker J. H., Wang X., Triantafyllidis C., van Dam K. H., Koppelaar R.H.E.M., Shah N.,(2018). Sustainable planning of the Energy-Water-Food nexus using decision making tools Energy Policy. 113. Pages. 584-607.
(Open Access Manuscript PDF) | DOI

Triantafyllidis C., Koppelaar R.H.E.M., Wang X., van Dam K.H., Shah N.,(2018). An integrated optimisation platform for sustainable resource and infrastructure planning. Environmental Modelling and Software. 101. Pages. 146-168.
(Open Access Manuscript PDF) | DOI

Dupont E., Koppelaar R.H.E.M., Jeanmart H.,(2018). Global Available Wind Potential with Physical and Energy Return on Investment (EROI) Constraints. Applied Energy. 209. Pages. 322-338.
(Accepted Manuscript PDF) | DOI


Koppelaar R.H.E.M., (2017). Solar-PV energy payback and net energy: Meta-assessment of study quality, reproducibility, and results harmonization Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 72. Pages 1241-1255.
(Accepted Manuscript PDF) | DOI

Xiaonan W., van Dam K., Triantafyllidis C., Koppelaar R.H.E.M., Shah N.,(2017). Waste-Energy-Water systems in sustainable city development: A case of Sub-Saharan Africa. Urban Transitions Conference, Shanghai, September 2016. Procedia Engineering 198 (2017) 948 – 957
(Open Access Manuscript PDF) | DOI

Xiaonan W., Guo M., van Dam K.H., Koppelaar, R.H.E.M., Triantafyllidis C., Shah N.,(2017). Waste-Energy-Water systems in sustainable city development using the platform Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 40. Pages 2377-2382
(Accepted Manuscript PDF) | DOI


Koppelaar R.H.E.M., Koppelaar H., (2016). The Ore Grade and Depth Influence on Copper Energy inputs. Biophysical Economics and Resource Quality. Vol: 1(11). Pages 1-16.
(Published Article PDF) | DOI

Koppelaar R.H.E.M., Keirstead J., Shah H., Woods J., (2016). A review of policy analysis purpose and capabilities of electricity system models. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol: 59. Pages 1531-1544.
(Accepted Manuscript PDF) | DOI


Koppelaar R.H.E.M., Weikard H. 2013. Assessing phosphate rock depletion and phosphorus recycling options. Global Environmental Change. Vol:23(6). ISSN:0959-3780. Pages:1454-1466.
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